Well, I haven't posted in an extremly long time, and there is so much to tell. We were so lucky, and IVF worked the very first time!! Jeremy and I are due to have a girl, Jocelyn Grace, on January 6th. However, we are hoping she makes it here by Christmas! I already have a Christmas dress that was made for her, and I am really hoping she gets to wear it.
I am currently 80% effaced and almost 2cm dialated. I have been swelling like crazy. I am on my feet all day, and my ankles are huge. My doctor decided to put me on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy (which we are hoping won't be to long). I will be 37 weeks on Monday, which is considered full term, so right now we are just playing the waiting game for Baby Jocelyn.
I am going to have all kinds of free time, so I plan to update my blog and keep it active, so that all my TN friends and family can know whats going on and keep up to date with pictures and news of Jocelyn. I am attaching some of my favorite maternity pictures. These were done by Sophia Hyde, love ya girl!!!
Take care. I am very excited for you!