We went to a boat show today and got this!!!

Just kidding! I sent my dad that as a text, and he actually believed me. I wish. This was a very nice boat. They were asking $125,000, but on a happy note, Jeremy is almost finished with his boat. Hopefully he will take Jocelyn and I out on it soon. We did however, go to the boat show. Jeremy picked up some hooks, sunglasses, and fishing flip flops. Apparently they were all great deals. According to Jeremy :). Jocelyn had a great time. Here she is chilling in her stoller.
Then we had to take care of our plants. If look very closely you can see the brocolli seedling. It is very small, but it is there. Maybe this means we will have some fresh vegetables and fruits soon.

Jeremy and I have been watering the plants twice a day. I hope they make it!! It has been so hot here. When I started up the Explorer today, it said that it was 100 degrees outside. That is crazy!!! I can't wait to go to the beach on Monday. (More to come on that soon).

Then my husband made me an amazing meal. He is a great cook. He says that he enjoys cooking, and from now on he is in charge. Jeremy has also been cleaning afterwards. I am getting very spoiled. I actually felt a little guilty because this is what his past couple of days have looked like
Thursday- 24 hour shift at the station
Friday- Paramedic School, left then worked at least 5hrs landscaping
Saturday- woke up at 5am, drove down south to do landscaping, home by 2pm, drove me and the baby to the boat show, took us to babies r us, came home, took care of the plants, cooked me dinner, cleaned the kitchen, gave the baby a bath, and finally relaxing watching "Gone Baby Gone" while I am blogging
Sunday- 24hr shift at the station
*And all the while he had a good attitude about it. I am truly BLESSED!!
Here is the homemade BBQ sauce that he made. It is very yummy! I know he puts honey, Dr. Pepper, and different types of jam in it, but besides that, he says it is a secret.

Here he is cooking. I am very surprised he let me snap this shot.

Yummy!!! Chicken and veggies on the grill.
And.... The final product. It was so yummy!!
So, do any of you have husbands that cook? If so, how did they learn and what is your favorite thing that make? Please comment. :)